The raw material from the Nickel concessions can be directly shipped to buyers from different countries. Nevertheless, the process of Drying and Screening can adds benefits to our operation. The Drying Process can decrease the moisture content of the raw material and decrease the transportation costs. The Screening Process can potentially increase the nickel content of raw nickel ores. |
RACE will continue to explore additional nickel concessions in Indonesia and possibly in other countries to build on the total reserves. Besides the valuable minerals of Nickel, we will also explore in other precious metals and valuable minerals and will look for rewarding opportunities in different parts of the world. |
In order to increase the company profit, the design and construction plan of a ferronickel smelting plant will commence by year 2010. Through the smelting process, the grading of the product will increase significantly. This will decrease the logistic and shipping cost and the increase of sales of much higher valued product. |